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Manganese Ore Magnetic Separation Production Line

Manganese Ore Magnetic Separation Production Line

【Process Introduction】

Manganese ore belongs to the weak magnetic minerals,  which can be recovered by high-intensity magnetic separator. Xinhai applies the  magnetic process to separate manganese ore, including two stages, rough separate the high-intensity magnetic ore and concentrate  the medium intensity magnetic ore, thus improve the manganese grade by 4% to  10%.


The magnetic separation process of  manganese ore can be applied to separate high phosphate ore, high-silicon ore  and low bixbyite ore.

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[Process  Introduction]

Rough  separate the high-intensity magnetic ore

Xinhai adopts special high-intensity ;magnetic separator of manganese ore to remove impurities preliminary, then uses  spiral classifier to classify rougher concentrate, rougher tailings directly discharge ;into the tailings thickener at last.


The underflow of the classifier been delivered into the magnetic separator to concentration, and the overflow been dewatered at the thickener.


The concentration overflow discharged into the backwater system, the concentration underflow converged with the concentration becoming the concentrates.


Case 1

A manganese ore project of Xinhai, its main  ore is Rhodochrosite and Ca rhodochrosite, then Calcite. Gangue including quartz,  chalcedony, carbonaceous and clay, etc. Xinhai contracts the whole designation  of the mineral production line, and adopts the process of rough separate the  high-intensity magnetic ore and concentrate the medium intensity magnetic ore,  which guarantee the ore grade can reach 38%, and the recovery rate reach 74%.

Cases 2

Xinhai can provide the whole EPC service of  mineral design and research, equipment manufacture, installation and  commissioning, personnel training according to the property of the raw ore.  Xinhai has already achieved many designation and reformation of the manganese ore  project, a project of aboard is a great success. That raw ore including high  phosphorus, high silicon, and low iron lean manganese carbonate, 20% manganese  ore contained.Rhodochrosite is the main manganese ore, apatite is the main harmful element, quartz, and clay  is the main gangue minerals. The magnetic separation production line of the manganese  ore reach desired effects, and the concentration grade reach 35%, and the  recovery rate reach 76%.

[ Process Flow ]

Manganese Ore Magnetic Separation Production Line

Mineral Processing
EPC and Equipment

Tel: +8613683147042
Support: 北京鑫互联科技有限公司

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